Global Transmedia Entertainment is HERE!
Global Transmedia Entertainment
Terrence Coles - Global Transmedia Producer & Consultant
Initial Post by Terrence Coles founder, Global - 4/13/09
In my experience, the key opportunity content providers have, is the ability to connect with audiences by being the trusted source of relevant and genuine information which is in the public interest. The challenge in a Global Transmedia economy is FRAGMENTATION. That is causing consumers to look outside the traditional trusted sources for content and beginning to open up to information sources across all media. Thus far the content has been controlled by networks like NBC, ABC, CBC, Fox etc. There is a transition of current trusted sources and the ability to expose additional trusted sources who can deliver valuable information. These types of content brands have the ability to transcend the distribution platform they are currently on and create Global Transmedia brands for news and information.
By utilizing a Transmedia approach to deliver targeted and relevant news and information down to the local level even utilizing GPS, Wi-Fi, WiMAX and location-based technology to enable dynamic ad insertion. This would allow for very highly targeted advertising which can garner five to ten times the current online cost per thousand (CPM) and enable more lucrative cost per action (CPA) models from data collection to direct transactions. An approach of delivering targeted and relevant news and information, just in time, device/platform independent, by a trusted journalist of the consumers choosing is a value proposition which can change the industry.